The South Mountain-Hallville Pastoral Charge serves a large, rural, agricultural-based community in Eastern Ontario, south of Ottawa, Canada’s national capital. Its coverage area includes parts of the townships of North Dundas and North Grenville.
Many people who live in the area commute to Ottawa to work. It is about 40 minutes to downtown on Highway 416, or by other routes. This gives us ready access to urban amenities and services, while enjoying the benefits of a quiet and safe rural lifestyle.
The South Mountain-Hallville Pastoral Charge serves a large, rural, agricultural-based community in Eastern Ontario, south of Ottawa, Canada’s national capital. Its coverage area includes parts of the townships of North Dundas and North Grenville.
Many people who live in the area commute to Ottawa to work. It is about 40 minutes to downtown on Highway 416, or by other routes. This gives us ready access to urban amenities and services, while enjoying the benefits of a quiet and safe rural lifestyle.
The major hamlets within our Charge are South Mountain, Hallville, Heckston, Inkerman, and Mountain. Each is quiet and predominantly residential, and, with the exception of Inkerman and Mountain, has basic services available in a general store. South Mountain offers the following:
- funeral home
- post office
- public library
- golf course with a restaurant
- volunteer fire station
Health Care
The nearby towns of Winchester and Kemptville both have newly renovated district hospitals, other medical and dental services, senior citizens facilities and nursing homes.
South Mountain has a kindergarten to Grade 6 (K-6) elementary school. There are several district high schools serving our area:
- North Dundas, east of Winchester
- Seaway, in Iroquois
- South Grenville, in Prescott
- North Grenville and St. Michael's, in Kemptville
Bus service also is available to French language and Roman Catholic schools. There is easy access to a wide range of post-secondary institutions:
- University of Ottawa and Carleton University in Ottawa
- Queen's University in nearby Kingston
- North Grenville and St. Michael's high schools in Kemptville
- Algonquin College in Ottawa, and three campuses of St. Lawrence College (Cornwall, Brockville, and Kingston) all offer a broad range of full and part-time courses.
Community spirit is strong. We know our neighbours, care about them, and rally around them in times of need. Volunteers support social services as well as a wide range of recreational and cultural activities.
4-H offers many activities for young people, as do Scouts and Guides. Each local community has its own festivals. Annual events include:
Dairyfest and the “Parade of Lights" in Winchester
the South Mountain Fair
the Spencerville Fair
There are also many winter carnivals, weekend dances, and special events. Local service organizations include Mountain Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, and branches of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Library services are available in Winchester and Kemptville as well as a new one in South Mountain. Theatre and musical events are offered at:
The Old Town Hall in Winchester
Upper Canada Playhouse in Morrisburg
the municipal hall in Kemptville
The Seaway Valley and Ottawa Valley Tourist Regions offer many other attractions within easy driving distance. Upper Canada Village, 1000 Islands, and provincial and national parks offer outdoor activities. There are local and regional museums.
Many national institutions are available in Ottawa like the National Arts Centre, National Gallery and Parliament Buildings, and other arts and music venues.
In addition to our four United Churches, there is also a:
St. John's United Church in Kemptville
Wesleyan Church in Inkerman
Roman Catholic congregation in South Mountain
The Anglican community now worships in Winchester
Winchester and Kemptville have a full range of established places of worship. There is an active ministerial association, and congregations have worked together on outreach projects and special events.